All students involved in extra curricular activities must maintain scholastic eligibility as established by the Knoxville School District and conference guidelines. To be eligible to participate in extra-curricular events a student must:
1. Have earned passing grades in ALL courses in the previous semester.
a. Any student who becomes ineligible in one (1) class at the end of the semester will:
i. Serve a suspension from athletic contests for no more than 25% of their respective season. Participants are expected to practice with their respective squads during the suspension.
ii. Complete the season in which they participate in order for the suspension to be considered served.
iii. Participants in non-athletic activities are not permitted to participate in club activities while ineligible.
b. Any student who becomes ineligible at the end of the semester in more than one (1) class will be considered ineligible for the following semester.
2. Be earning passing grades in all classes during the semester. The grades will be figured on a weekly and cumulative basis throughout the semester.
a. Eligibility will be checked on a weekly basis. The cumulative semester grade determines eligibility for the present week. The ineligibility week is defined as Monday through Sunday.
b. Ineligible athletes are required to attend tutoring during the week(s) of ineligibility. Tutoring takes precedence over any scheduled practices or events. Ineligible athletes are expected to practice and attend games with the team unless the dismissal for the event is prior to the end of the school day and/or conflicts with the tutoring sessions. An ineligible athlete who misses tutoring for an unexcused purpose will not be allowed to participate in any activities for their sport the following week. The athlete is also required to make up the unexcused tutoring session the following week.
JHS Activity Eligibility
Academic Eligibility Requirements for Extra Curricular Activities