Knoxville CUSD #202 Job Openings

Job Application (Fillable)

Volunteer Coach Application (Fillable)

Job vacancy notices will be posted here as soon as they are announced. If this page is blank, there are no job openings.

Knoxville Vacancies

2024-2025 District Benefits

Substitute Teaching

A substitute teacher, or sub, teaches and supervises students in the event that their regular teacher is unable to lead class. Their duties include managing classroom behavior, quickly interpreting lesson plans and creating reports to inform the students’ permanent teacher of their success.

To obtain your substitute certificate please refer to the ROE #33 Website. Once you obtain your substitute certificate in Region #33 you may apply for the Knoxville CUSD 202 Substitute vacancies.

Substitute Vacancy Notice Deadline: Until filled

  • Substitute Teachers

  • Substitute Paraprofessionals

Illinois Licensed Teachers as Subs

If you hold a valid professional educator license, educator license with stipulations or paraprofessional license and hold a bachelor’s degree, you are qualified to be a substitute teacher. You do not need to hold a substitute teaching license. If you wish to sub, you need to be fingerprinted as a sub and have a physical from within the last 90 days in order to apply for substitute teaching jobs within ROE 33. 

Retired Teachers as Subs

Any retiree that wants to be on the sub list for the ROE will have the same requirements as any other sub as far as providing updated physical/statement of good health and fingerprinting.