Dr. Guerrero, Superintendent

Dr. Guerrero in black suit. smiling women

Superintendent Page

As I reflect on the past year and prepare to enter my second year as your superintendent, I am filled with gratitude and excitement. Together, we've navigated challenges and celebrated significant achievements, consistently striving towards excellence in education for every student. The Knoxville Staff, Community and the Mayor's dedication and resilience have been pivotal in these accomplishments, and I am eager to continue our journey in enhancing our district's success. Thank you for your commitment and hard work. Let’s make our next year even more remarkable!

Link to my website for the most up-to-date information, Board Presentations, Newsletters, and other happenings!

Link to my website


Ph.D. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Doctorate of Philosophy, Higher Education, May 2017

Ed.S. Western Illinois University, Education Specialist in Education Leadership, 2011

M.S. Illinois State University, Educational Administration, 2004

M.A. Western Illinois University, History, 1997

B.A. Western Illinois University, English, 1996