After School Homework Help will be offered tomorrow, Tuesday, September 24 from 3:10 to 4:10 p.m. Transportation is available. If your student would like to attend, please reach out to Mrs. Salsman.

Ever dreamed of designing a t-shirt for KJHS? Now if your chance! See your advisory teacher for the design forms. Good luck!

Just a reminder that Homecoming Shirts can be picked up TODAY, Thursday, September 19th from 3:15 to 4 pm at KHS!

Pick up for Homecoming shirts will be Wednesday, September 18th from 6 to 7 pm at the high school. Any shirts not picked up on Wednesday, can be picked up on Thursday, September 19th from 3:15 to 4 pm.

The lunch menu at KJHS has been updated for the following dates:
Monday 9/16/2024 has been changed to Bosco Sticks
Tuesday 9/17/2024 has been changed to Bacon Cheeseburger
Thank you!

KJHS Homecoming Spirit Week is next week. It is gonna be OUT OF THIS WORLD fun!

Elite Ink has kindly extended the Homecoming apparel store to be open until 3 pm TODAY, Tuesday 9/10. If you are still interested in purchasing a Homecoming shirt, TODAY is the last day!

KHS provides After School Homework Help on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for students needing assistance with assignments or a quiet space to study. This program runs from 3:10 to 4:10 pm. Late bus service is now available for students who require transportation. For more information, please have your student contact Mrs. Salsman.

⏰ This is the final week of the Knoxville Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale! Save 30% off the entire site before it’s too late. Don’t miss out! 🎒🛒 https://1stplace.sale/31585.

Today is your last day to order your 2024 Homecoming shirt!!! All orders must be completed by 3:00 pm TODAY, Monday, September 9th. The link to the store is: https://eliteink.printavo.com/merch/khs-homecoming-2024

Just a reminder that KHS 2024 Homecoming shirts are now available and they are Out of This World! The online store through Elite Ink will close on Monday, September 9th at 3:00 pm. No late orders will be accepted, so please make sure to order your shirts before then. There are youth sizes available in most options. Orders will be delivered for pickup at Knoxville High School--more details to come! https://eliteink.printavo.com/merch/khs-homecoming-2024

Free Community Course
Wednesday, Sept 11, 2024
9-noon at Knoxville High School
Homeland Security Part 1 Course, Threat Evaluation and Reporting Overview
Email: jgrace@bluebullets.org if you would like to attend
This initial course is a comprehensive 3-hour session that provides valuable general knowledge and insights suitable for security personnel and community members. This course assists homeland security partners in identifying concerning or threatening behaviors in an effort to prevent mass attacks and targeted violence, regardless of motivation or ideology.
The course is entirely free of charge and will be presented by Steve Lyddon, a certified expert in the field. As we progress, the series will delve into more specialized topics, making this introductory session an excellent foundation for future learning.

Home lunch and want milk? Here's what you need to know.
1. Milks are $0.40 each with home lunches.
2. Students must have money on their account to charge for milk.
3. Milk is free with a school lunch.

Back-to-school can be daunting, especially for children facing uncertainties like where their next meal will come from. Our Mable Woolsey Blessings in a Backpack program is dedicated to providing that reassurance, but we can't do it without your help!
This school year, you can be the difference for kids who do not know where their next meal will come from when they leave school on Friday. This year we have over 80 students signed up so we need your help to feed them each weekend. This program is completely funded by donations from individuals, organizations, and businesses, so we can't do this without you! It costs just $3.50/student to make sure they have a food pack in their backpack each weekend. Together, we can ensure every child has the support they need to succeed. Donations can be made online at https://giving.blessingsinabackpack.org/organizations/mable-woolsey-elem-school or checks can be mailed to Mable Woolsey (made out to Blessings in a Backpack) at 106 Pleasant Ave, Knoxville, IL 61448.
#BackToSchool #ChildhoodHunger #WeekendFood #BlessingsinaBackpack

MWES STAR TESTS THIS WEEK: The first round of Star assessments will take place in your child’s classroom on Wednesday, September 4 and Thursday, September 5. Students will take a Star test for math and reading. These tests will provide teachers with personalized learning data for each student. Teachers will analyze the data they receive from Star Assessments to learn what students already know and what they are ready to learn next, to monitor student growth, and to determine which students may need additional help. For more information, you can check out the Renaissance family resource page at: https://www.renaissance.com/family-resources-star-assessments/.

KHS 2024 Homecoming shirts are now available! and they are Out of This World! The online store through Elite Ink will close on Monday, September 9th at 3:00 pm. No late orders will be accepted, so please make sure to order your shirts before then. There are youth sizes available in most options. Orders will be delivered for pickup at Knoxville High School--more details to come! https://eliteink.printavo.com/merch/khs-homecoming-2024

Mark your calendar!

Don't forget! KJHS school picture day is tomorrow (August 29, 2024). Orders can be placed online at: inter-state.com/order using ORDER CODE: 87432TB

Don't forget! KHS school picture day is tomorrow (August 29, 2024). Additional forms are available in the office or you may order online at:

Due to the excessive heat warnings this week, we are making changes to our breakfast and lunch menus to keep the temperatures down in our kitchens. Please see attached changes for the junior high and elementary schools below.